#010 Drawing from Observation - Depth, That Other Edge



Children will draw an object by giving attention in their drawing to what is important to them.  We all draw the things that are most important to us. While adults and older children may be very interested in drawing an object to look three-dimensional, young children will be far more interested in drawing that curved tail, because what is a dog without a tail? Here is where we get to be grown up and not criticize or even point out that strange third-dimension that is so important to us, but may have no meaning to a young child. Every drawing is unique. Every person is unique. I love it all. 

With that said, I do want to point out the third dimension, depth, for my older audience. So jump into the video and you'll see that drawing depth at times is just drawing lines where we see another edge.

Enjoy Drawing!

Brenda Ellis, Author of ARTistic Pursuits.



  1. Drawing from observation lets us draw ANYTHING we see in our world.
  2. Paying attention to what we see: STOP, LOOK, and then we DRAW
  3. Drawing the 3rd dimension, depth: the other edge


Drawing from lines of another artist is covered in more detail in #002.

Drawing by tearing the paper is covered in more detail in #001, #004, and #008. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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