#013 Are Those Marks Mistakes? - The Function of Redrawing



Some people worry about making mistakes when they draw. I don't look at lines as mistakes, so in that way there really are no mistakes in drawing. The first lines tell you where the next lines should go. The next lines will probably be better than the first lines. Lines lead you to the solution. In that way of thinking, you can only improve your lines to match closer and closer to what you see. 

Others of you do not worry about mistakes in art and that puts you in a good place for trying new ways of drawing. You do not see lines as being wrong, but as a flexible tool that can be changed, erased, or made better. Taking risks by trying new methods may not turn out as good as you'd imagined or they might turn out better than you imagined. They may lead to a way of working that you like and continue. Risk taking is a part of art. We can imagine what the results will be, but until we get our marks on paper in the way we imagined, we won't know.

Enjoy Drawing!

Brenda Ellis, author of ARTistic Pursuits.


  • Mistakes are not an idea we use in art.
  • Trial and error are absolutely essential to drawing.
  • Redrawing, also called restating, allows us to make lines closer to what we see - rather than erasing the first lines and starting over. 

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