#015 Judging Our Own Drawing - The Trick to Overlapping Objects



What does it mean to get the lines right? Well, it usually means getting the lines closer to what you see when you look at the object in the real world. However, artists like Picasso and Cezanne would often leave lines within their work that didn't line up. They liked showing the objects within their paintings from different angles. So when considering whether a line is good or bad, right or wrong, what you are really contemplating is whether you like it or not. You are the artist. You are the decision maker for your own art. That is why we should not give free advice to a younger artist that has not asked for it. It is their art and if they like it, then we can appreciate its qualities as well. They may like it for entirely different reasons than what we notice about the picture. 

So with a note of caution let's talk about how to judge our own picture when we do not like a part of it. What exactly are we looking for? What exactly should we change? That's the topic of my discussion today. 

Enjoy Drawing!

Brenda Ellis, author of ARTistic Pursuits.


The lines on your paper that you don't like are telling you where to put the next lines.

  • Look at the direction of your lines. Is it too far to the right or to the left?
  • Look at sizes. Is one part too big or too small?
  • Look for problems in length. Is a dog's leg too long? The table too wide?

Only erase the parts of your drawing that you don't like, then redraw. 

Drawing through to get correct placement of lines in overlapping objects.



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