#032 Why You Must SEE and Object Before You Can DRAW an Object



I'm so glad you've joined me this summer for our first lesson. Children to adults can sometimes be tripped up by the first steps to drawing from observation. But that is exactly what you'll want to do, because when you find you own subject to draw, the drawing is truly yours! As your skills grow, you'll gain the confidence to draw anything, any subject, that appeals to your tastes and interests. 

I can't tell you how important drawing is. Any fully-rendered, shaded drawing or colorful painting relies completely on those first lines that you put onto the paper. If your line drawing is off, no amount of shading or coloring will make that better. That's why our summer lessons show you topics that will improve your drawing skills. 

Enjoy Drawing!

Brenda Ellis


1. If you can't clearly see the edges of your subject, you won't be able to draw it well.

2. Improve that edge by sitting the object in more light. 

3. Improve that edge by creating contrast of light and dark between the subject and its background.

4. Avoid the overly complex edges, as in a row of trees with the sun overhead. 


Do you want to learn more about drawing the edge? Go to Lesson #002! 


Go to ARTistic Pursuits website.


50% Complete

Two Step

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