#033 Better Drawing Outcomes



I'm so glad you've joined me the second drawing lesson of the summer. Have you ever spent a good deal of time on a drawing only to notice that a part of it was off? You wonder why you didn't see it earlier and now it feels like it's too late to make the change. Is this caused because you could not draw the line or because you did not notice the placement? I think it's always an error in observation, not because you lacked skills. You see, as we draw, we notice more and more about what we are looking at. When we are willing to make the changes as soon as we notice them, then our drawing does not get too finished too soon. Today we will discuss a practice that can greatly improve the outcome of your drawing, when you strengthen your muscle memory within the first 5 minutes.

Enjoy Drawing!

Brenda Ellis


1. When we draw an object we create muscle memory.

2. Muscle memory helps us to remember how we did it the first time, so there is less experimentation needed in each successive drawing.

3. Drawing warm-ups help us identify trouble areas quickly.


Go to ARTistic Pursuits website.


50% Complete

Two Step

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