#034 How Focus Makes Your Drawings look More Realistic



Why do some drawings look bland, while others really pop? Here we show how drawing can mimic the way our eyes view the world, making any drawing stand out! It's called focus. Look at how artist, Edgar Degas gave great attention to detail in the figure of the man in a red coat, but left the horse in line only.  We see the horse, so we know what the man sits upon, but Degas chose to emphasize the man with color and more detail like the creases in his coat and pants. When you want something to stand out, you can give focus to your drawings too. 


Enjoy Drawing!

Brenda Ellis


1. You can mimic the way our eyes work, by giving focus to one area of your picture. 

2. We do not need to draw everything we know about each subject in our drawing. Choose an object you want to stand out and draw more details in that area. 

3. Lighten lines toward the edges of the picture. 


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