#001 How We Learn New Skills - Solving the Problem of Drawing Too Small



I'm so glad you've joined me this summer for our first lesson. Children to adults can sometimes be tripped up by the first steps to drawing from observation. I'll discuss ways of thinking that will help you get those first lines on paper with ease. Yes, I truly think you can reach this goal in just one summer. Once our thinking is working for us, we can focus on those practices in drawing that take us to our desired goal. 

I can't tell you how important drawing is. Any fully-rendered, shaded drawing or colorful painting relies completely on those first lines that you put onto the paper. If your line drawing is off, no amount of shading or coloring will make that better. That's why I'm starting at the beginning with line drawing and showing you how we get those first lines onto the paper. 

Enjoy Drawing!

Brenda Ellis


1. Current brain studies show us that we can learn a new skill, like art, by repeating it.

2. First efforts, when applauded, can lead to more attempts.

3. Drawing becomes easier the more times you try it.

4. Solving the problem of drawing too small.

5. Drawing objects similar in size to those you see and a demonstration on how to accomplish that goal.

Notes: Human brain-hemisphere functions by Robert W. Sperry got press attention in 1968, inspiring Betty Edward's book, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain, published in 1979.

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