#002 A New Model for Drawing - Find the Missing First Step



To some, this lesson demonstration will seem obvious because whether you thought about it or not, you spotted that step right away, without giving it much thought - perhaps discovering it as a child. 

For others, it's been a life-long mystery that some people can look at an object and know where to draw the lines. 

Since it is said that 95% of people in the world do not draw, I have to assume that the idea of drawing a line where you see an edge still remains a mystery for most people. It's time to point out the obvious activity we use all the time in drawing, that isn't so obvious. 

This first step and the lines that flow from it, sets our drawing up to be a finished line drawing, a start to a fully shaded pencil drawing, or the start to a work in color using any media. It is the priceless first piece, the line drawing, that must first be put down on paper before we can ever accomplish more in our art. 


  • Two models for drawing 
  • The most familiar model does the first step for you
  • The missing first step to drawing from observation and why you need it
  • The edge is where we draw the line

Practice and practice more in drawing those edges. I'll see you next week!

Happy Creating!

- Brenda Ellis, Author of ARTistic Pursuits.


50% Complete

Two Step

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