#009 Intentional Wandering - The Basic Drawing Strategy



I hope you can practice intentional wandering today, even if it is in your own backyard or a nearby park. Today we talk about walking with a purpose and how that purpose, the act of looking for something specific, helps wake up our brain so that we pay more attention to those things around us. Design your trip. What will you look for? Will you draw outdoors? If so, a simple clip board or any hard surface to back up your piece of paper is all you'll need to add to your pencil, copy paper, and eraser. 

Happy Wandering!

Brenda Ellis, Author of Artistic Pursuits.



Seeing is building a body of knowledge that we can pull from as we create on paper.

A basic drawing strategy is to:

  • start with a sheet of paper that is one or two inches larger than the small object you want to draw.
  • use light lines when you first begin to draw (so that they can be erased or moved easily)
  • focus on the edges of the objects you see, drawing simple shapes to get placement correct  
  • redraw edges with lines that more closely follow the edge
  • fill in details within the boundary lines you have made (the big shapes)
  • finish by using dark lines in places you want viewers to notice

50% Complete

Two Step

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