#005 Take Pride in Effort and Measures Taken - Draw a Standing Object



When we draw from observation of real objects, we need to find those objects to actually look at. You will not be able to simply look at the video and choose my object. That is looking at a flat screen. So spend some time this week to notice the things in your home that would make interesting subjects for a drawing. Today's object must stand upright. We will not lay it flat beside the paper we draw onto. The information for your drawing is in the subject. Look at it often.  

Enjoy Drawing!

Brenda Ellis, Author of ARTistic Pursuits.


  • Take pride not just in results, but in effort, risks, research, and patience.
  • Viewing the object straight on requires that you keep the object and your eyes in a fixed position. 
  • Move your eyes from the subject to the paper and back again to the subject. 

50% Complete

Two Step

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